iB4e - Methodology
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iB4e Methodology

Performance happens at the intersection of People, Process, Tools, and Environment. Without a concerted effort to balance these elements, performance is diminished and the enterprise suffers. At iB4e, we help identify and remove barriers to optimize performance in each of these key areas.


Our proven methodology, developed over the years in the business consulting arena, is simple and straight forward:

  • Discovery:  Determine the business goals and requirements
  • Assessment:  Conduct a fit gap analysis
  • Solution Development:  Construct an actionable gap closure (change management/performance improvement) plan with appropriate success measurments
  • Implementation:  Execute the gap closure plan
  • Evaluation:  Observe, measure, and improve the plan as needed to keep the solution on track


Questions to Ask About Performance Improvement

People: Do you have the right people? Are those people in the right roles? Do your people feel comfortable questioning processes, tools, and environment? Are your corporate goals clearly defined? Have they been effectively communicated? Are business unit targets aligned with corporate goals?

Process: Are your processes efficient? Do you know why you do things the way you do? Can you combine or eliminate any of your processes?

Tools: Does your technology inhibit your people or your processes? Have you implemented a high tech solution when a low-tech solutions would suffice?

Environment: Do your leaders talk one message, but walk another? How do you use trust to increase productivity? How do regulatory codes affect your business?

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